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Stay on Top of Your Day-To-Day Responsibilities

We offer virtual assistant programs in Rochester, NY and across the nation

The small details involved in running a successful business can be too much to keep track of on your own. If you never want to miss another meeting or deadline, arrange for a virtual assistant program with Armstrong Project. Although we’re based in Rochester, NY, we can provide virtual assistant services in our hometown and throughout the country.

We can work with businesses of all sizes. Contact us now for a free consultation on a virtual assistant program.

Working with an experienced assistant will help you focus more on building your business while a trustworthy expert covers the minor details. If you hire our pro, we can...

  • Provide travel arrangement assistance for any trips you need to take
  • Set up your daily calendar to balance meetings and calls with work
  • Manage financial details, such as invoicing, payroll setup and accounts receivable

Get in touch with us now to create a comprehensive plan, including travel arrangement assistance, bookkeeping and more.

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