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Struggling to Manage Your Finances?

Hire our expert in Rochester, NY for bookkeeping services

Keeping your financials in order is one of the most important parts of running a business. Instead of getting overwhelmed by invoices, tax documents and other financial records, partner with Armstrong Project in Rochester, NY. Our pro can provide comprehensive administrative management and bookkeeping services for all kinds of organizations, from non-profits to small startups.

Whether you need help preparing for tax season or keeping track of day-to-day expenditures, we have you covered. Call us now to learn more about our bookkeeping services.

We can make it simple to manage your company’s finances. As part of our administrative management and bookkeeping services, we can...

  • Prepare payrolls
  • Handle invoicing
  • Track products received and services rendered
  • Manage collections, including past-due invoices

Working with us throughout the year can cut down on the time and effort needed to prepare your records when tax season comes around. Let us know how we can help your business by getting in touch with us today.

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